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DisentangledElm t1_jebcrsm wrote

Are there other Wire actors that still frequent Baltimore? I swear I saw Chris Partlow's actor, Gbenga Akinnagbe, at one point this year.


onlythehappiests t1_jebqwsc wrote

I used to see Sonja Sohn around from time to time, and she’s done a few projects around here recently.


speebo t1_jebtanz wrote

I saw Lester freeman’s actor in Charles village a few years ago. A friend told me he has a house around there still, but only stays there a few month out of the year. No idea if that is accurate


yerfondofmebiscuits t1_jecldlf wrote

i worked with a guy who was an extra on the show once lol. he played a corner man. he said he had no lines but the camera sits on him for a second or two. i forget which episode now it was ages ago when i briefly worked with him.

i've also been working in the city or close to it in some capacity since 99 so i am quite sure i saw some of the actors but i had no clue about any of that stuff so it would have just been another random person i'd see out and about to me.