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YoYoMoMa t1_jd8su1k wrote

Those mills are such a pain in the ass to get to by anything but car (and even then...)


TYMATO t1_jd9db41 wrote

I know it's technically impossible, but there just needs to be sidewalks. I live closer to ceremony than to Common Ground, but I ended up going to common ground because I could walk there.


SaveFailsafe t1_jdb3tlc wrote

It's not impossible not even close. It's just not anywhere close to a priority for this city, which can't even make the sidewalks it already has ADA compliant. New sidewalks? Forget about it.

They could at least clear the brush, but they don't. There is actually space for a shoulder but it's completely overgrown.


YoYoMoMa t1_jd9ioxy wrote

Seems like some sort of elevated walkway would be possible sine the one side is so high.