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why_grapefruit_why t1_jblhf0s wrote

I have friends in 1405, Crescent, and Union Wharf.

1405 is absolutely awful right now, there’s very big loud construction sites on both sides of the building. I thought the units were small and the amenities were meh.

Union Wharf has the nicest amenities, sort of small units here too. I like hanging out in the common areas when I visit my buddy here. I think you can pay a premium and get a nice harbor view here as well.

Crescent is an older building, not great amenities either, but the size of the units and the harbor views from some of the units are some of the coolest places I’ve seen in Baltimore.

Where is the Eden? I haven’t heard of that one.

Edit: Also wanted to add that the staff at Crescent is super nice too. 1405 and Union were a lil snooty.


DaleDuzit OP t1_jblt53c wrote

sweet!! you're exactly the guy/girl that i needed to hear from. Eden is right across the street from the Whole Foods. I guess theres also Spinnaker Bay apartments in that area but i havent been there.