Submitted by t3_125xdp0 in baltimore

Hey there all! I’m moving to a row home soon and was wondering what best practices are for offloading the moving van without pissing off the neighbors. There is limited parking and the truck will definitely not fit in the access alley around back.

Is there a best time to unload? Does the city require any permits?



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t1_je6eefp wrote

If possible, try to schedule the move ~10am on a weekday. Most people shouldn't be at home and also extra space for the truck. You could go to your future neighbors houses and ask them when is best otherwise.

You'll likely still piss someone off though.


t1_je6ogzm wrote

Agree that this is key. Any time during normal business hours midweek will do. No weekends... Leave that for the students and the amateurs.


t1_je6g9v8 wrote

We moved from our row home to a single family home. Best bet is getting a ROW permit. Here’s who you want to contact: Right of Way Permit Baltimore City Dept. of Transportation

Depending on the neighborhood you may have trouble either double parking or finding a spot close enough to the house. This allows you to reserve a space for the moving vehicle.


OP t1_je6heba wrote

Oooo thank you! I’ll look into this tonight! Parking is a tad scarce


t1_je988c5 wrote

Just do it like everyone else, put the flashers on and park right in the street. Lol

Seriously though you may want to find out if the street sweeper comes thru and when, because everyone's cars will be gone on that day during that time.


t1_je6hb0c wrote

You will have to have someone towed if they're in the space however, so no point doing the permit unless you're willing to do that.


t1_je6hyju wrote

As well you should. It is a service (and one that the city seems to be able to do effectively) that the city provides to discourage double parking. The signs must be posted 48 hours in advance. We had 3 cars towed the morning of our move, 3 cars who willingly parked there the night before, having signs and caution tape posted to alert them. Responsibility is a thing, and folks can learn the hard way sometimes.


t1_je6igku wrote

I agree and have done the same, but that doesn't mean everyone is comfortable doing so.


OP t1_je6hqcj wrote

I think a combo of the permit and knock on the door or a note ahead of time may just work… at least I hop


t1_je83ww3 wrote

Assuming you can find the vehicle owners. With street parking, they may live a block or 3 away.


t1_je841g9 wrote

Yes do this! I got a permit, I posted the signs 5 days in advance, so people had plenty of time to see that there wasn’t parking ok the specific day/time. I mounted the signs to big traffic cones and had 6-7 signs spanning about 70 feet of curb for a 26 foot truck. I didn’t have any issues on the day of!

Block off an area of the street that is about twice as long as the moving truck so they have space to pull in, also align it so that the back of their truck is close to your front door.


t1_je6fevb wrote

The fact that you're asking means you're more considerate than most people in the city.

Different neighborhoods have very different schedules. The more residential and night life neighborhoods it's probably best to be in and out between 10 and 4 on a week day. Places like downtown are probably best on the weekend.

In this city it's pretty common for trucks and people to block a lane (sometimes you'll run into 2 or even 3 people doing it on one block). The real asshole thing to do is block an alley, drive way or block someone in who is parallel parked beside you. If you absolutely have to do it make sure there's someone around the vehicle in case that person needs to leave. I can't tell you how many times assholes have parked to block me in and then act like I'm inconveniencing them because I want to leave my drive way.


t1_je6owxc wrote

I agree, downtown is ok on the weekend... Just do not move on a race day. Like Charles Street 12, or Baltimore Running Festival, for example.



t1_je6o6fm wrote

Congrats. This was me several months ago.

You are supposed to get a permit to block a street for moving. I got one. Still haven't received the 75 dollar bill though, so waiting for it to just pop up sometime.

With the permit, you're supposed to get signs to post in the temporary no parking zone. I got mine from the Southeastern district police outpost (or whatever it is called). It was easy getting the signs, but you have to attach them with your own zip ties or whatever.

Then just hope no one removes the signs on moving day, as one of my lovely neighbors did. 🥴

The permit office said I could either have the cars towed from the temporary no parking zone (in front of my house) but it would be a wait. I was told that in the meantime I could unload. The movers unloaded in 20 minutes. The tow truck never arrived.

Neighbors were a bit inconvenienced because the temporary parking zone was blocked on a one way street so, they just had to wait or squeeze by.

I moved on a Tuesday and it was scheduled for 1 to 4, or 2 to 4, the duration of the permit. They finished just before 4, even with the parking issue. But had I moved on a weekend, I think it would have been a nightmare.

Edit: take photos of the signage when you place them, in case someone decides to remove them and act like they were never there.


t1_je79r0q wrote

Just double park next to a huge open space and make everyone drive around. Absolutely make sure only one lane of traffic is open at a time. It’s the Baltimore way 😁😂


t1_je6rlg0 wrote

I had neighbors park in front of my row house and when the truck came they moved. It was Covid so everyone was home. They were each gifted a bottle of scotch


t1_je7wqdt wrote

The canton area is pretty relaxed. No permits required ever I don’t think.