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t1_jc0c8p0 wrote

The main benefits of the buildings near campus are the quick commute to school, and being so close to many of your classmates. That said, there’s not a ton to do other than school and seeing those classmates when you’re in that general vicinity.

If you’re looking for more of the walk around and get coffee, or go to a park, or even potentially walk to a grocery store kind of lifestyle, then I echo the commenter above’s recommendation about looking at the shuttle routes. For instance, there’s a direct shuttle from Hampden (Keswick Building) to Bloomberg’s front door.

The Metro also runs through some of downtown right to Broadway (Hopkins Hospital) so that opens some more neighborhoods up as well.

Many students and staff also live in Patterson Park and Upper Fells, which can be walkable on nice days or are just quick bikes/scoots otherwise. There’s another shuttle that goes through those neighborhoods but I don’t have firsthand experience with it to give much detail.