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PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_jc2q5ui wrote

Bad republicans policies that democrats promise to remove then choose to ignore is American politics of the past 50 years in a nutshell


TMB190 t1_jc33plk wrote

"The United States is a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them."


HunnerBiDumb t1_jc39ugx wrote

Neither party wants to fix it. And if you’re being completely honest you’ll acknowledge that Reagan actually granted blanket amnesty in 1986 which covered about 2.7M illegals at the time.He did it because Tip O’Neill promised to pass legislation to secure the border and penalize employers that hired illegal immigrants. Problem was, contrary to your post, O’Neill and the democrats never held up their end of the Simpson-Mazzoli Act. There hasn’t been a credible attempt at fixing it since. Include that in your 50 years.