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Timmah_1984 t1_je285kt wrote

Thank god someone still cares about justice. Syed killed that girl and deserves to be behind bars. He never should have been let out in the first place.


idkmybffjill250 t1_je2avma wrote

Have you reviewed any of the latest evidence presented and gathered??


BaltimoreBombers t1_je2e6m4 wrote

The DNA on her shoe could literally be from anyone in the school who touched them, or from a gym locker, or transferred in any number of ways. It’s not like it was under her finger nails, or somewhere unexplainable. The prosecutorial notes that Mosby said referred to a second suspect actually referred to Adnan, as confirmed by the prosecutor who wrote them. There was literally nothing exculpatory in it, unless you’re a conspiracy theorist, which is why the Attorney General came out in disbelief that Mosby overturned the rulings of the highest Maryland courts who saw the evidence and upheld the conviction.


Timmah_1984 t1_je2guhr wrote

Yes I have, it’s not really evidence so much as an attempt by his defense to poke holes in the evidence against him. Which is fine, that’s their job after all. However nothing they’ve brought up exonerates him. The cell towers place him where the body was dumped when it was dumped. The cell towers are reliable and accurate, this notion that they aren’t has been debunked by experts. No one knows where it came from either since it was just a note written on a fax cover sheet. He had motive, opportunity and still to this day can’t explain where he was. The DNA evidence on her shoes is also meaningless since they were just in the trunk of her car.

He did this and needs to be in prison. Anything less than that is a miscarriage of Justice.