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CallMeHelicase t1_je2jpm2 wrote

As did the court that convicted the central park 5, who were later found to be innocent.


Dr_Midnight t1_je3anik wrote

> As did the court that convicted the central park 5, who were later found to be innocent.

Court of Law also convicted George Stinney, Jr. as well as the Scottsboro Boys.

Court of Law also convicted Timothy Masters.

...and Herman Williams.

...and Anthony Ray Hinton.

...Kirk Bloodsworth.

...and the list goes on which is, the absolutely blatant racism of cases like George Stinney, Jr. aside, why I will continue to stand by the principle of Blackstone's Ratio.


[deleted] t1_je2l03f wrote



Eat_the_Path t1_je3l4xm wrote

It's not like the US has some kind of history of falsely imprisoning people of colour based on flimsy or fabricated evidence.


CallMeHelicase t1_je44j9h wrote

We can't blindly trust courts. The fact that a court convicted someone is not proof that someone is guilty or innocent. You could consider it an argument for someone's guilt/innocence, but not irrefutable proof.

Critical thinking matters. I don't know if this guy is guilty or not, and I don't think anyone can be 100% sure for this particular case.