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moderndukes t1_jc3um85 wrote

Making Baltimore fully unable to operate is one of the end goals for Sinclair. The term limits referendum was just like this - ostensibly populist proposal that actually just kills institutional memory and expertise and diverts an amount of power to interest groups like Sinclair. Imagine their machine just constantly churning out recall votes every few months.

There isn’t anything inherently wrong with the idea of recall elections, but I really don’t trust Sinclair to be doing it in the public’s interest.

(Slightly unrelated: I really want to learn how to get a referendum on the ballot because I want to get ranked choice and possibly multi-member districts in Baltimore.)


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_jc44sny wrote

I wish there was a legal way to stop Sinclair’a anti-democratic fuckery. Like, maybe imprison the Smith family for spreading Russian propaganda, or at least for poor taste


YesIDoBlowCops t1_jc4m46h wrote

Yes imprisoning people whose politics I disagree with is a great move! Why didn't we think of this sooner?


dopkick t1_jc6vl9z wrote

While I agree with the sentiment that spreading foreign-influenced propaganda is a bad thing, I think it's worrying that people are upvoting the suggestion of locking people up for stuff like that. Speech that is distasteful or you disagree with should not automatically be banned and surely not a reason for imprisoning people.


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_jc51f5y wrote

You were too busy blowing cops

But do you seriously think there shouldn’t be laws against using a media empire to spread foreign propaganda? Or just spread any propaganda that is wildly conflicting with the good of the people?

Do media outlets have zero responsibility in your mind?


YesIDoBlowCops t1_jc62rbt wrote

I don't know what you are talking about. And I suspect you don't either.


todareistobmore t1_jc5arpa wrote

Well first, wishing there were a way to revoke their broadcast licenses given that they're a public resource being so maliciously used.


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_jc5ax8v wrote

Right, exactly. Some people act like people have privileges and corporations have rights.


bylosellhi11 t1_jc6wr7l wrote


calling for imprisonment of a family? whatever world you live in sounds much more dangerous and threating and than anything we live in today

Russians propaganda? You mean the FBI spreading Russian propaganda fears to kill a news story about a future presidents son and his laptop?

Or NYT/WAPO for spreading the same fears...

If you think spreading propaganda is just a sinclair problem...look around..


DisentangledElm t1_jc92tlc wrote

> The term limits referendum was just like this - ostensibly populist proposal that actually just kills institutional memory and expertise and diverts an amount of power to interest groups like Sinclair.

I thought the bigger impetus was to exit stage left some of the bad politicians that didn't want to leave otherwise or just didn't serve the public interest. I'm sure this sub can think of a few... 4-8 years is a lot of time after all.