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Baltimore_Bill t1_je4y3q7 wrote

Reply to comment by BmoreBr0 in New foxtrot is now in the air by Douseigh

It has a fuel strainer in the fueling point that has such little holes that if you dont trickle it in it burps out and makes a horrible mess. Then you smell like jet fuel and the cops come over and yell at us because for some reason they put some expensive sensor directly under it that the fuel can damage.


keyjan t1_je54jsr wrote

That doesn’t seem very efficient. “Hey, we need the chopper in the air, stat!” “Sorry, it’s going to take another half hour to fuel it.”


guest0112 t1_je56k6o wrote

Makes me think of when I was 21 and buying plastic handles of vodka and people used to say “remove the fun stopper first!!” Referring to that little plastic piece on the nozzle


Huge_Reception7715 t1_jecepqf wrote

Sheesh that seems ridiculous. Wonder what the sensor does. How those things look up close?