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andalusiterainbow t1_isxf0l1 wrote

So sorry to hear that. My partner and I both had ours stolen last week in Howard County. Once we get our cars back we are getting protective plates installed AND an alarm. It’s a little device you put on the cat. You have to activate it with a key fob like you lock your car. Once it’s activated, it will sound off if there’s any vibration near the cat. It’s super loud. Everyone says the anti theft stuff only slows them down, but I think waking up the whole neighborhood will probably make them think twice about taking that one lol. Anyway we haven’t tested our methods yet but I’d suggest getting two different anti theft mechanisms!


macmac360 t1_isxqpir wrote

It's a sad day when we have to put alarms on individual car parts but here we are, my gf lives near Hunt valley and the development she lives in has had numerous catalytic thefts


Melinated_Warrior t1_it8pfat wrote

What happens if a cat crawls underneath your car near the Catalytic Converter? Will the alarm spook the cat and pointlessly (hopefully) wake you as well?