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YoYoMoMa t1_iu0vlwv wrote

Narcan should be free as it is a public good similar to the vaccine.


BlarghMachine t1_iu28m3d wrote

They’re gonna start charging for boosters, too.


YoYoMoMa t1_iu2h7ce wrote

I've gotten 4 shots for free. We shouldn't accept going back.


BlarghMachine t1_iu2kw2p wrote

Why the downvote? They’re literally playing to charge for boosters past November. It may get delayed but they’re going to... just like you can’t get free N95s anymore and rapid tests are unreliable/giving false negatives with the recent variants. My point is we’re in a bad spot with healthcare and it’s getting worse, so I wouldn’t expect improvement any time soon