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dirkdlx t1_iud5mmm wrote

i mean both of those are real, actual things so this is a little weird to say


AreWeCowabunga t1_iue0wad wrote

Yeah, it's fine to hate on the Mosbys, but to imply white and male fragility isn't real? GTFO.


covid_eileen t1_iufjuo2 wrote

Who did that?


AreWeCowabunga t1_iufzj4u wrote

The person who said literally anyone saying male or white fragility is projecting. If you don’t think it can be identified unless through projection, you’re implying it’s not actually real. If it were real, it would be able to be identified by any impartial observer.


covid_eileen t1_iug0yzn wrote

It can be observed and identified but if you accuse someone of it you are projecting


AreWeCowabunga t1_iug3h3u wrote

That makes no sense.


covid_eileen t1_iug3wmy wrote

Anyone who would accuse someone of fragility (whether right or wrong) is projecting their own fragility