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petitepixel t1_iry7w3i wrote

Reply to comment by buuj214 in Traffic Calming in Remington by BMFO20832

The Google street view history switch from 2014 to 2017 look like different cities.

It goes back as far as 2007 -,-76.6211006,3a,75y,144.84h,94.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sH-ZPP6SLF6G6bC9HYkIcKw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


buuj214 t1_iryfcpj wrote

That's exactly what I did, and what prompted my comment! Back in ~2010 Remington was Paper Moon Diner, the Dizz, auto body shops, and fenced-in pavement lots. At least that's what it seemed like to me, not spending much time there... then over the course of like 5 years it transformed into multi-family and mixed use spaces. Makes perfect sense for the location, near JHU, but yeah it's unrecognizable from many angles. Makes me feel old! The developments in Remington, Harbor Point, maybe a couple other spots still register as 'new' in my head.


Xanny t1_iryj6qb wrote

Gosh that's gorgeous, can we start putting in bike lanes when it happens though?