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Quiet_Meaning5874 t1_itefpxi wrote

Has Brandon Scott done anything (negative OR positive) thus far?

I just don’t see any changes at all. I guess could be worse?


S-Kunst t1_itfwz7v wrote

Its hard to say if it means anything about what is happening (or not happening) in the Scott admin, or if this is just the type of people who are usually hired. We all have been there, at a social function with big business types or political wanna-be's. While shaking your hand and introducing themselves, they are not looking at you, but around the room, to locate the more important people. As soon as they see one, off they go, leaving you mid sentence. I attended one of those events, and the room was filled with glad-handers and people elbowing their way into a face to face, with their 30 second elevator speech ready. I think that a job in the DC orbit, would be very enticing for a ladder climber.


Karmachanix OP t1_itgetog wrote

If the city was being run well prior to him taking office, making no changes would probably be a good thing. Unfortunately, we had the riots, the disastrous Healthy Holly/Jack Young era, the ransomware attack, and then COVID (he took office in December 2020). Baltimore needed someone with great management skills, vision, and a sense of urgency. Instead, we got Mayor Lackadaisical, and he created the city administrator position so he didn't have to be bothered with managing anything. We needed something a lot more than just not-being-a-thief.


Karmachanix OP t1_itgfs0d wrote

Baltimore City is a really challenging management job, and you have to have commitment and persistence. He's bailing out for a cushy job in the DC burbs so that his future job prospects won't be judged by what is happening here. It's a vote of no confidence in the mayor, just as all of the other high level departures have been.


Expendable_Red_Shirt t1_itgjkel wrote

I’m at a point with this city where not being corrupt would just be a cherry on top.

I need someone to fix the crime and poverty and education issue (it’s all one thing to me). If you can do that fuck it. Be corrupt. You earned it.


A_P_Dahset t1_itiyq3a wrote

This is absolutely a vote of no confidence in the mayor and it's plain to see. The reality of the matter is this: take a look at Shorter's resume---the guy is highly educated, well-credentialed, with a career that has spanned across multiple higher-performing and more functionally governed municipalities than Baltimore. As intelligent as he is, he's assessed the trajectory/competency/quality of city government and decided that, with him being here for less than 2 years, it is no longer worth his professional time and efforts to support the Scott Administration, regardless of Shorter being the city's first administrator and believing that he is doing transformational work. So Shorter's departure is very telling.

On top of that, the spin job by Mayor Scott's Senior Communications Director, Monica Lewis, is nothing short of incredible.

>“I’m sure people will begin to wonder about turnover but it’s very clear that Mayor Scott and this administration view it as an honor when other municipalities tap talent that is here,” Lewis said. “We firmly believe that it’s a testament to the strides that are being taken in the administration. People are not picked for opportunities like this unless they are doing great work.”

No Monica; we aren't stupid. Shorter was talented when he got here, not because working for Baltimore City government suddenly fostered development of his talents, sufficient to bring Prince William County knocking at our door to tap him as a new hire with them. Shorter doesn't believe in the vision and went looking for something else; his departure is NOT a testament to the strides being taken in the Scott Administration. It's more than slightly condescending on Lewis' part to think that anyone would go for this line of reasoning.