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todareistobmore t1_iu5bk9i wrote

Most probably keep their politics to themselves, but as a group of people, bar owners aren't wildly different than other small businessfolk--it's a life that both selects for and encourages reactionary shit.


ChampagneandAlpacas t1_iu5dbo0 wrote

I mean, I also know of a few that have some DV issues, so I won't give them dollars. I'm not gonna put names out there because people can look through the sub and find that. I just want to know where the progressive bar owners are so I can fill their pockets instead.


hellospacecommand t1_iu5hin9 wrote

Not in canton but just down the street in fells is Greyhound Tavern. Very progressive /LGBTQ friendly. They have great cocktails and Molly (one of the owners) frequently comes up with awesome sangria flavors that rotate seasonally.