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Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_ixovyut wrote

What the fuck is up with the BPD defenders on this post? I have no idea the context of this photo, but I could post 100 pictures a week of the BPD chilling in parking lots. That’s what they do. Pretty much exclusively. The MOTHER FUCKING crime rate is all the proof you need to know BPD is garbage.

If there was a rapist or gangs jumping people in the park, did they catch them?

Edit: BCPD to BPD after I was politely informed of my error.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixpx6gy wrote

What the fuck is up with people not understanding BPD is not BCPD? Baltimore is not Baltimore County.

"I have no idea the context of this photo..." Proceeds to put their own narrative on it lmfao. What a time to be alive, everyone so full of ignorance.

The "MFing" crime rate is proof that Baltimore is trash, not that the PD is garbage.


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_ixw97ux wrote

People probably thought the C was for City, not County. That was the case for me anyways. Thanks for correcting me, that’s how we learn.

So legit question, do you think the BPD does a good job? Because personally it seems to me that they quiet quit right around the time Mosby brought charges on the Freddie Gray officers. And for the amount of money they make, and the state of lawlessness in the city, that’s sort of a shame. I can’t count the amount of times I see multiple officers chilling in a parking lot, I rarely see them making so much as a traffic stop.

But maybe you have a different experience? If you actually think they’re effective and doing a good job I’d love to hear why?


1dayAwayagain t1_ixx8nyn wrote

I think BPD does the best they can with what they're given. They're tremendously short staffed, have garbage equipment and garbage vehicles.

Officers in Baltimore respond to 20+ calls per shift, EACH. Many of which require reports. When you see two officers sitting next to each other, they may not even be conversing. They're likely writing (or at least starting) a report from the call they just left. Until the next call comes in, before they're done writing the report from the last one.

The vehicle situation also forces more than one officer per vehicle. For your situational awareness, most districts (of which there are 9) have four Sectors. Each sector has four posts. So each shift has at least 16 officers per district. If a sector only has 2 working patrol vehicles, that means two Posts have to ride together... Meaning only one call can be covered at a time for two posts.

It's hard for officers to proactively conduct traffic stops when they're busy working double or triple shootings. You can't expect miracles from overworked and under-supplied employees.

Edit: also worth noting, is they don't get paid shit. Baltimore is one of, if not THE, lowest paying jurisdictions in the area. Another reason why nobody wants to work there.


TheSimulacra t1_ixpg8or wrote

No no no, you misunderstand:

When the crime rate is high, it's because the cops are doing their best but the city isn't giving them enough money.

When the crime rate is low, it's because the cops are doing a great job and should be rewarded with more money.

Hope that clears things up.


KylesHandles t1_ixqh1om wrote

We've seen what happens. People cried about too much police presence in their neighborhoods. So BPD did as they said and lessened patrols. The crime rate then skyrocketed. So then people bitch that BPD isn't doing their jobs. They can't win.


TheSimulacra t1_ixrybly wrote

>They can't win.

Then maybe they should give up their huge salaries and pensions to people who can


Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_ixwd3zz wrote

The issue here is that people by and large considered police presence in their neighborhood a bad thing. There is a middle ground between being absent and being considered problematic. I would call that middle ground ‘good policing.’