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Legal-Law9214 t1_ivgosbx wrote

from my experience it was much easier to get a job before moving. My entire application process was online and my interviews were virtual as well. I don’t see any reason why it would be that hard to get a job lined up before you move as long as you tell your potential employer you will definitely relocate upon being offered the job. Then just show any potential landlord the job offer letter. I suppose you could do it the other way around but it just seems a lot more difficult to me. Depending on your line of work there may be cases where you’re correct that it’s easier to find a job after relocating but I think most fields have online systems set up now since the pandemic kind of forced it.


ZeroKittyRose OP t1_ivjoohw wrote

I've definitely found that to be more of the case in fields that are more in demand or for positions that are higher up the chain. I haven't had much luck securing an offer from out of state, so was just considering moving beforehand instead.