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sllewgh t1_ivm57pd wrote

Question K isn't a referendum on the government, it's deciding whether or not to let voters keep a representative as long as they choose. It will lead to near 100% turnover in city government 8 years from now, which will be a disaster, and we'll indiscriminately force out good people along with bad.

If you think a politician needs to go, vote them out. Not that many people in this city vote, so yours is worth a lot.


AdDue1062 t1_ivm7s1g wrote

Baltimore voters are too stupid to be trusted to do the right thing in aggregate. The base of this city is really uneducated and wouldn't know how to vote in their own best interests to save their life.


sllewgh t1_ivma0jm wrote

First off, I'm a Baltimore city voter, and go fuck yourself. Secondly, how do you think this is gonna get better people in office if nothing has changed about the voters?