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EfficiencySuch6361 t1_ivrvjb2 wrote

Ahhh yes Baltimore the city of infinite resources. First of all, how are we going to offer higher salaries than richer cities like Philly or elsewhere in order to attract top talent?

We already couldn’t afford competitive salaries in order to attract top talent, and with term limits now we have made a potential career change to Baltimore public service even less attractive than it already was. Who wants to uproot their whole life in exchange for 2 years for less money or even the same money? The only people coming here from other major cities will be low level title chasers who probably have no intention of sticking around.

Oh and don’t forget that any outsiders moving here for office would also have to live here for 6 months before running for office, and then would only get to stay for 2 years before they have to find a new job.

Absolutely genius lol