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DONNIENARC0 t1_iyibre2 wrote

Could definitely do better, but I'm a little surprised at how well we stack up already. I'm not intimately familiar with many of these places, but I wouldn't have guessed we were ahead of cities like Tampa, Denver, Austin, etc.


spaceribs OP t1_iyiep7a wrote

I think it's due to having great advocacy for public transit and bikes, which we should celebrate. Complete streets certainly haven't been applied consistently, but it is on our books, and I bet those other metro areas don't have anything like that implemented.


YoYoMoMa t1_iyig3f2 wrote

>but I wouldn't have guessed we were ahead of cities like Tampa, Denver, Austin, etc.

Cities with a history of libertarian politics that grew extremely quickly become clusterfucks.


todareistobmore t1_iyjj2yr wrote

Baltimore has a much higher percentage of people who don't own cars than any of those cities (here are 2015 numbers, at least). Some of it's density but a lot of it's poverty.


[deleted] t1_iyk7wag wrote

Austin may be weird, but big oil still has an iron grip on that state. Big fans of “one more lane” mentality.