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bmore t1_j17af0s wrote


FrankieRedFlash t1_j18xaq7 wrote

I think they mean the poverty, hopelessness, poor education, lack of jobs, lack of parenting, and glorification of being "tough" over being a good, kind, productive person. Address those things and the crime rate will likely go down. I got no idea how you do it.


bmore t1_j19gb97 wrote

I don't think that's what they mean since that's what OP said and they replied implying OP was wrong and we should do something different.


jabbadarth t1_j186z4k wrote

It's the same bullshit idiots spout about schools and parents. "We just need responsible parents" as if there is some way to magically instill education, responsibility, drive, etc into people.

And that's always in response to we need to spend more on education. So their solution is don't spend any more to improve education or after school programs that will educate children and give them opportunities instead just change the "culture".


hypatiaakat t1_j1890tl wrote

Responsible parents usually means parents who aren't the working poor, who aren't the people who have no choice but to leave kids unattended while they work multiple jobs. Factor in drugs and crime that walk hand in hand with poverty, and that's a recipe for what we have now.


jabbadarth t1_j18aoda wrote

100% and yet morons will constantly point to responsibility and culture as if those are things that can be forced on people regardless of their situation to somehow fix problems when in reality this issue is generations in the making and will take years if not decades to repair through investment, hard work, and giving people opportunity and hope.

If we really invested in kids right now and built up a massive after school program, and mentor programs and built community centers that offered meals and parent support we could see kids flourish. It wouldn't be cheap but in the long run it's a hell of a lot cheaper than what we are paying for cops and crime.

You can see examples of it all over the place where individual schools get an amazing principal that turns an entire community around just by offering support. Issue is we can't rely on individuals to put in all the time needed to that on their own.,11%2C%20he%20spoke%20no%20English.

First example is just a cash infusion that have hope to families and turned a community around in one generation.

Second example is a single man utilizing his time and skills to fix a failing dangerous school and get buy in from the community at large.

If we took an approach that combined both of these methods and built it out across the city maybe we could start seeing some positive movement away from crime.