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todareistobmore t1_iz3np49 wrote

> cows, goats, etc can pick up toxoplasmosis from the soil and pass it to you

Sure, but this is true in exactly the same way and exactly to the same extent as e. coli is spread.


yeaughourdt t1_iz4s4uq wrote

It's a bit different. Humans can contract toxo directly from contaminated soil or unwashed vegetables like e. coli, but when a meat animal is infected the parasite actually takes residence in its muscle tissue (where e coli only gets into meat via external contamination). Toxoplasmosis cysts are also very persistent in soil, remaining viable for over a year.

Also toxo's effect on the human body is longer and potentially more severe as the parasite lives on in your body and brain for the rest of your life with neurological consequences, and it's potentially fatal or disfiguring for fetuses if a mother is infected with toxoplasmosis while pregnant. Neurological consequences of toxoplasmosis infection aren't particularly well studied but may include mental illness and reduced motor response times. A study of vehicle accidents suggests that people with toxo in their brains are more likely to die in a car accident.