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lucasbelite t1_j0u3hho wrote

Castle doctrine is pretty standard in common law. You don't have to retreat in your own home. > The castle doctrine in Maryland states that when a person is inside their home, they do not have to retreat. A homeowner is allowed to stand their ground and attempt to defend themselves against an intruder, as long as the use of force is reasonable.


sxswnxnw t1_j0v83t1 wrote

Yup, this is why whenever I hear these stories of people just walking into someone's house I'm like 👀...


strewnshank t1_j0w80gz wrote

>You don't have to retreat in your own home.

This is markedly different in the state where I lived before MD. In that state, there were criteria like "is the trespasser threatening you directly?" and "are they on the same floor as you?" that was used to reason the validity of a shooting in one's own home.


the-dumbest-owl t1_j0v9lvw wrote

Does that only apply to the homeowner? Could that also extend to a resident of the home?


AllShadesObscura t1_j0vwhmp wrote

Yes, it’s about being domicile. Technically, house-sitting and hotels count. Though, they would have added stipulations like the cleaning lady is allowed in at some point.