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6flightsup t1_j0v35y8 wrote

Even the castle doctrine doesn’t sit right with me in some common scenarios. I’m holding fire if all residents here are upstairs and in their bedrooms. I plan and practice taking a position between the bedrooms and the stairwell. The intruder can take all of the valuables that they can get from downstairs before the cops arrive. I hope that they are caught, but protecting my stuff is less important than any human life. I’m going direct to lethal if they attempt to come upstairs though.


Douseigh t1_j1bnvsc wrote

I don’t agree with this. Your home, which provides Maryland with tax revenue, should be given the all clear for you to protect, preservation of the home is in marylands benefit as it is an asset for the state. It’s not like the house can move, and I’d never be cool with running from my own house lol, you cannot retreat from the area which you are safest, inherently that involves going to a less safe location which is against the nature of duty to retreat.

The police aren’t protecting it, and your entire life is in one spot. If someone breaks down your door you don’t got time to see what they intend to do, doubly so if you’re just getting out the bed and it’s dark.


6flightsup t1_j1d9vax wrote

I don’t see how the state or taxes are related to personal safety in any way. If all residents are safely upstairs, I am not going downstairs to defend a television or whatever a criminal is attempting to steal. Can’t decipher your comment further. Public education today I guess.