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who_took_my_foreskin t1_j0wzy0t wrote

I believe if criminals knew there's a good chance they'll be shot for attacking people then maybe they'd think long and hard about doing it. Just an example: someone breaks in the house at ground level. I'm in the basement and the rest of my family is on the second floor. If the person committing the home invasion takes one step up(towards my family) or down (towards me, my lady, and my pup) the stairs, I'm yelling, "I have a gun, one more step and I'm using it". If they chose to turn tail and leave, so be it and thank God I didn't have to end their life, BUT (and this is regardless of any laws or duties) that second step is all the information I need to know they are making an informed decision to put their own life at risk and I shouldn't be at fault for what happens to them. If they don't care about their life why should I? That being said, I'd never shoot a man in the back unless he's faced away, trying to go up the aforementioned stairs towards my family that I hold dear. At that point he was given the chance to leave and instead chose violence, but that doesn't mean I'd dump a drum in his back, one or two should suffice. But to say I'd have sympathy for the criminal at that point would be laughable. I'd have much more sympathy for the family that holds the criminal dear, because they could lose someone they love and that's not a great feeling. I'd rather be judged by 12 instead of carried by 6(or being one of the 6). I think dtr wouldn't apply since I'm home and wouldn't have a route to retreat and even if I could, I'm not leaving my family that can't. How would you feel if you retreated and the criminal stole your weapon and then killed innocent folks with it? or worse killed your family that wasn't able to retreat? Could you take that on your conscience, knowing that if you'd have just put one in his chest, you could have saved the lives of those the criminal may kill? I couldn't. At the same time, I think standing your ground outside the home when escape is an option, is not necessary and that you should do what you can to avoid a conflict if possible. You don't always have to look for trouble, sometimes it finds you with your metaphorical pants down, and you should be able to react accordingly. Again I'll say one or two shots should suffice, but if you shoot a man and then stand over him and dump a mag or a drum in them, then you are guilty of murder. Once the threat is neutralized, the weapon should be holstered and an ambulance called as well as maybe make an attempt to stop their bleeding if you feel safe enough to do so. At that point "if he dies, he dies🤷🏽‍♂️" it's not the outcome I'd hope for, but the decision was their own. I think SYG should apply at home and DTR should be for outside the home. I believe MD has some version of castle doctrine in place for events in the home, and if not we should.

TLDR: if they come for my family,in my home, they'd better like hollow point .45 rounds and .410 slugs, the JUDGE in my house fires both and the JURY is a long way off of making a decision. Outside the home I'd retreat if possible, since I don't actively want to make a family mourn. No sympathy for the results of a criminals choices, but thoughts and prayers to their family. "you're going on a t-shirt bucko, I hope you like fake clouds and closed caskets"