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Alaira314 t1_j0ac6ux wrote

OP, this isn't just you but I've seen a trend lately, and I'm going to take this moment to call it out. This could have been a text post. All it is is words in a plain font with an emoji. For some reason, you(and many others, lately) chose to make it an image instead. This makes it so that people who browse with screen readers can't appreciate your post. Please consider not doing this, or at least posting a transcript as a comment(I'm not supplying one myself because it's your words, so you should have control over deletion etc which you don't have when I repost them in my own comment without permission).


DirtyPolecat t1_j0blcvo wrote

File it under "vertical videos" and taking photos of a screen instead of screenshots. We can make a book, social media do's and don'ts.


Mindfulhydration t1_j0adioq wrote

There was (is?) a little field behind some houses on Shroeder street where they would let the horses graze sometimes. I always enjoyed seeing the horses and connecting with the arabbers. It's one of those things that really does put the "charm" in charm city.


cornbreadcommunist t1_j0brdfi wrote

That’s Tony! His produce pony’s (as I like to call her) name is Michelle. They’re very sweet!! I save my plastic bags and set aside my plastic bags, water bottles, and sometimes a couple beers for them when they’re by


supinealways t1_j0akjb2 wrote

did you heat it up?


coolhandflukes t1_j0bew7a wrote

There’s nothing like a nice hot glass of diet ginger ale.


BushyEyes OP t1_j0bn7hz wrote

No :( he asked for hot tea, then coffee — I didn’t have anything immediately ready as it would have taken me a few minutes to make either. He asked for soda and I had that.


Spunkylover10 t1_j09ti20 wrote



BushyEyes OP t1_j09ucxp wrote

Haha yeah, I thought I was getting a package, opened the door, and there was an arraber! He asked if I had any extra plastic bags so he could use them so I have them to him and then he asked if I had tea lol


catmudd t1_j0c8klv wrote

Me too! I have one of them hot tea and the other a miniature Irish whisky.


BushyEyes OP t1_j0c8sg6 wrote

Wow! Wish I could have given him more than just ginger ale 😔 but he did get a nice little insulated tumbler haha


catmudd t1_j0ccepy wrote

Well they’re definitely hard working guys. I’m in Fed Hill and you’re in Bolton Hill!


DiscoDeadhead t1_j09u6y9 wrote

Another reason I don’t answer the door to random knockers


Due-Net-88 t1_j0e7qwh wrote

I love that someone downvoted you for suggesting strangers shouldn’t knock on doors begging for food lol. That would be a “no” from me, too.


DiscoDeadhead t1_j0e8lgi wrote

Yeah, I’m not too keen on opening my door to strangers