Submitted by ModeratelyLargeTruss t3_zt1kqv in baltimore

They used to knock on my door every other year or so (SE Balt), but I haven't seen them in what feels like forever. I'd invite them in, especially in cold winter times, letting them know I'm a hopeless atheist, but they should get warm and give some beverages and food. Are they ok?



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NewrytStarcommander t1_j1bhf0v wrote

They were raptured. You heathens are the only ones "left behind"


EOD_Dork t1_j1bmzq8 wrote

Are you a bot, or do they have reddit in heaven?


NewrytStarcommander t1_j1bndsp wrote

We have reddit. There's a lot else to do so we don't spend a ton of time on here like you earthlings. But it's my day off from sitting at the right hand so scrolling through the feed to see what's going on.


EOD_Dork t1_j1bosic wrote

Seems legit. Do you have any literature that I may peruse?


NewrytStarcommander t1_j1bprma wrote

Yeah- we put out this holy bible thing a while back lays out the whole deal; everybody keeps saying we should put it on tiktok for gen z and what not but those of us in charge aren't digital natives, and the new one are still sort of just wondering around looking at the nekkid angels so nothing ever gets done


ThisAmericanSatire t1_j1cub2l wrote

>You heathens

Do you mean "us heathens", or are you redding from the great hereafter?


420EdibleQueen t1_j1bnzhb wrote

I had a couple in Garrison a couple weeks ago. I thought the Hanukkah decoration on the door made it obvious to move along, but guess not. The neighbor got a laugh though. She said the look on their faces when I told them “we’re not interested, we’re Jewish. Have a nice night” and closed the door was priceless


ifitswhatusayiloveit t1_j1e9pys wrote

when I had a college job that had me interact w Mormons years ago, they gave me the book, saying “we know you’re Jewish but this book is true. Actually it was written by Jews 4800 years ago”

like sir it was written by a semi-literate huckster in the 1800s but ok


PitchFormal921 t1_j1ddo19 wrote

Saw them for the first time since early COVID this summer. While I'm not going to convert, I've always been friendly to them. Most of them actually come out from Utah or Arizona and spend a couple weeks in Towson. It's generally in the warmer months when I see them around Waverly and Charles Village


FriedScrapple t1_j1e8eec wrote

Ever since I saw “Book of Mormon” we’ve been wishing they would show up, so we could sing our favorite songs to them. They seem very nice, painfully young.


BigBobFro t1_j1dhja8 wrote

Theyre around. With covid they still dont door knock as they used to.


old_at_heart t1_j1kkqkf wrote

Ask them "what's this Mountain Meadows resort I heard you guys run?". See what they say.