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Alaira314 t1_izkkcdd wrote

It's like they all think that rhyming "Joe" with "ho" is the height of cleverness, instead of just sexist shittery. The worst I saw was shortly after the 2020 election, when a customer wore a mask that was a collage of the two Biden's faces(multiple of each) with the text: "JOE AND HO." Imagine hating someone so much that you plaster their faces all over your face, and then go out in public looking like that. 🤔

Anyway, I didn't pick a fight over the mask. Technically "ho" was enough to get a warning(and a bouncing if he wouldn't stop displaying the text), but given the context I considered myself fortunate he was wearing a mask at all and didn't want to rock that boat by asking him to change it. No other customers complained(I would have had to ask him to take it off if they had), so I just let him have his "win."