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butipreferlottie t1_izkkhn9 wrote

I wonder if it's the same dude who was flying a homemade Joe and the Hoe flag off his porch in Remington for a while (might still be up, haven't been that way in a minute).

I looked at a house on that block, and the idea of having him as a neighbor, plus the fact the other neighbors didn't destroy the thing, made me look elsewhere. The house's horrifying basement didn't help either.


Due-Net-88 t1_izklzgh wrote

Because TBH it’s better off to ignore these people than fight or take their flag or whatever. A. It does the public service of letting you know who the crazies are but also B. they WANT adversity. The worst thing you can do to someone like this is pay them no attention.


PM_ME_UR_CC_INFO t1_izkospy wrote

Exactly. Somebody took my relative’s thin blue line flag and sprayed fuck twelve on their lawn and it just made him feel like he’s justified.


TheSimulacra t1_izkqlsg wrote

I don't think the point was to change your pro-cop relative's mind. Seems like their mind was already made up.


PM_ME_UR_CC_INFO t1_izkr7ve wrote

Idk what their goal was (i agree it wasn’t to change his mind, they were probably just acting in anger, or they thought “this will show him what other people think of his beliefs”) but stuff like that makes these crazy retired cops double down on their beliefs. He posted about it online and his whole community just fed his ego


TheSimulacra t1_izks7si wrote

I don't think that matters. These people find any excuse to feed their persecution complexes, just watch Fox News. They flipped out over Starbucks cups, ffs. If they don't have anything they'll invent it, because there's always money in the outrage industry.


okdiluted t1_izlxj1d wrote

they post about it to their insular communities and think things like putting thin blue lines all over their cars matter bc they're genuinely terrified of their actions having consequences. the more pushback they get, the more scared they get. there's a reason you don't hear anything from that neo-nazi richard spencer anymore, and it's because he got too scared to show his face in public when people wouldn't stop punching it.


bardiche-like-thing t1_izofk1h wrote

They want nothing more than to upset people. They take such pride in ruffling feathers. Mostly because they are so strong and fearless, while we are simply snowflakes haha.. Most they get from me is a side eye and maybe a wry smile.


kingliljanky t1_izkuh97 wrote

Best way to implode their minds: ask them to expound upon their talking points. Seriously, just ask "why do joe & the hoe gotta goe?" And after a couple regurgitations from Cucker & Gang @ Fox, these bumper sticker types typically get pretty flabbergasted and shut down.