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Unfair-Rip9168 t1_j6kxnno wrote

Yea but you have a cause since the place is freezing cold. Just get out. That’s what I would do. Do what you want but I think easiest thing to do is move. Good luck


Trailmagic OP t1_j6l40nj wrote

They have my money, and a signed contract that they get to keep it if I just leave abruptly. I need to prove the just cause and/or convince them. That’s the whole point of this post. Finding resources and information to make that happen, and more if possible. If you ask a LL to leave mid-lease and have your security deposit back they will say no unless you have a good reason and the knowledge to make it very convincing. I also think I am owed more than that but don’t feel like explaining why a third time.