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jabbadarth t1_j432vy6 wrote

I didn't know that but it's pretty awesome.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j44km68 wrote

The illustration above shows the person wearing a helmet. I NEVER see people on scooters wearing a helmet. Instead, I see two on one or them doing wheelies on one, all kinds of extra things that make it more likely someone will get hurt.

Another issue is people randomly leaving them in the middle of the sidewalk.

There is no accountability for that at all and that needs to be addressed.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j46eemm wrote

I'm aware of this but no one cares about that. Since then I have seen scooters completely blocking the sidewalk. Want an example? Boston St by the Starbucks.

I've used scooters before and the one I was on had me take a picture in the app of where I left it and it wouldn't end the trip until I left it in a suitable spot which I did.

That's what I'm saying.

Again, I'm not anti-scooter but I am anti stupidity.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j47i70y wrote

Oh I'm aware of it. I'm not speaking on the future I am speaking on what's going on right now.

The scooters have been around for several years now so there has already been plenty of time to analyze results and take action on it.


Dr_Midnight t1_j47s89k wrote

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