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trout66 t1_j341ypx wrote

Hey, I know someone else in your building dealing with this! What does your lease say? Some leases have a clause that says something like "in the event the building is sold to a new owner this lease is invalid". If there ISNT a clause that SPECIFICALLY says the lease terminates when the building is sold, the new owner is legally obligated to finish out your current lease - meaning that the eviction would be unlawful. Additionally, removing access to a parking lot provided by your lease would be illegal. I'm not a lawyer but you can post to r/legaladvice for more specific help. Baltimore has a couple tenants rights groups you can find by Google ng. But the most important thing is to READ YOUR LEASE and see what it says.


trout66 t1_j342avy wrote

Whoops I just noticed you said your lease is month-to-month. If that's the case, 60 days is more notice they owe you, they're simply choosing not to renew your lease and there's probably nothing you can do. That's literally the nature of a month-to-month lease.


Shiny_Deleter OP t1_j349sho wrote

Then you probably know good people šŸ˜‰

We all realize that getting pushed out is inevitable, and want to ensure fair treatment. Iā€™m not surprised by the chain of events, but their tone throughout communication has been disrespectful.