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Xanny t1_j65numm wrote

> Incentivizing market entry for more providers would likely result in the same outcome for customers with very little stress to the city.

Lol, ISPs are the most hated companies in the country. Its infrastructure capture to give a private corporation exclusivity in your conduits, cough cough Comcast. No, hell no. If the city wants to lay fiber, it should be our fiber, publicly owned, and the only private entity should be the backbone connection. The city does our water and our trash, it can do our Internet. Like, sometimes city services suck, but do you know what suck way more? Private water and trash cos literally everywhere.

The city could always get a... leasing program, rather than ya know, giving away infrastructure to private corporations again, when that always goes so well every time it happens.

The government being shit isn't made better by giving away the city to private companies to also run like shit. You really can't get out of fixing a shit government if you want anything to get better.