Submitted by t3_10q2i59 in baltimore

Marilyn Mosby salary: $247,955.58

Nick Mosby salary: $131,798.00

Total Mosby household income: $379,753.58

This is $14,605.88 every two weeks

Somehow, they're indigent? And so now we get to pay for his/her defense? They've either got amazing accountants or have zero idea how to adult when it comes to money.

Is this part of a (brilliant/insane) legal strategy to show how downtrodden these two were? Cause as someone who earns considerably less than they do, it seems pretty hard to fathom.

What are the odds that we wake up one day and they're just gone?



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t1_j6nhf30 wrote

Legal bills rack up quick. She’s already racked up probably a couple hundred billable hours. Probably a couple hundred more to go.

So it’s relative. If she ends up paying $200k + in legal bills that’s an entire year’s salary.

Also is it fair to expect Nick to contribute to the bill?


OP t1_j6nliw2 wrote

What's crazy is that I was a fan of Nick when he was my council person. Reached out to his office twice and both times he was super responsive. Not sure what changed.

I reached out to James Torrence's office once this year and spoke to someone for 10 minutes about traffic calming at a kids bus stop. I got ghosted.


t1_j6nvpiv wrote

Defending a federal criminal case can be extraordinarily expensive. Many years ago there was an interview with Ed Norris where he explained how much it would have cost to effectively defend his case. If I recall correctly it was over $200k in early 2000s dollars.

I have no interest in defending MM, I despise her. You can be "indigent" in federal court without being poor though.


t1_j6o4bqc wrote

Lol on its face yes that doesn't sound indigent, at all.

But they do not strike me as wealthy people coming from years and years of other wealthy people/generational wealth. You don't know their legal bills. You don't how much debt they have. You don't know what amounts of money they have access to, either. Plus they have two kids, and those rugrats are expensive af: do their kids go to public or private school, what activities do they have, do the kids have a health problem that is expensive, etc.? They could also just be bad with money: many people with high salaries are. Do they have health problems that are expensive? So you have to trust the federal judge can see everything they have and let it go.

I guess it's possible they funneled half of Marilyn's salary to the Cayman Islands... But I just don't think they are that clever frankly.

Edit: Let me also add, many, many black people have negative net worth, man. You can call that shit bad "adulting" if you want, but plenty of actual documented history and research calls it something else. I'm a SBF and I and many folks I know are living proof. I personally do not like either Mosby, but I am also not going to believe that some of these realities do not apply to them.


t1_j6o5ppf wrote

I looked up the rules to determine indigency defined as "unable to afford counsel." I wonder if Mosby again lied on the financial affidavit lol. She'll be indigent eventually lol


t1_j6o6dp7 wrote

Very interesting reply. I always assumed someone is classified as indigent based on their financial status prior to/coming into the hearing. On that assumption, neither Mosby could possibly be considered indigent, at least in my book. So it sounds like one can be deemed indigent if their case becomes so long/complicated that they find themselves in a hardship situation when facing the compiling billable hours? As someone currently making a whopping 16% of Marilyn’s salary, that just doesn’t sit right with me.


t1_j6o86m0 wrote

Very few people who could actually afford legal counsel would choose to use a public defender in order to save money. No disrespect to the men and women who work those jobs, they are badly needed and I salute them.


OP t1_j6oa5iy wrote

I hear you and appreciate the reply. At the same time, purchasing vacation real estate as an investment property seems like someone who isnt totally clueless.

Also, that's 4X what our household brought in last year. We have a kid, we have middle age health problems, we have aging parents that eat up resources... so my sympathy / empathy only goes so far.


t1_j6ojjsu wrote

Obviously, they’re not too wise with their family resources. I can’t imagine needing a public defender with this high income. It saddens me that a person truly in need may be delayed in services due to this gamesmanship. Such a greedy couple. I used to find them as an attractive couple, now I just see ugly!

Edit- It was pointed out to me that other people won’t have delays in their trails if the Misty’s are tying up the public defenders. I honestly don’t know enough of the workings of their offices to understand how things are prioritized.


t1_j6ok8fb wrote

I agree, is it because they prefer to spend their riches in other ways? Sure, blowing a ton of money on legal fees doesn’t compare to the endless shopping trips, designer clothing or vacations, but I bet they could scrape it together if their freedom relies upon it. Oh, maybe they can ask Sheila Dixon for pointers?


t1_j6p0swc wrote

No one is dumb enough to fight the feds in court. Very few actually go to trial, think it is way less than 10%, probably less than 5% go to trial. Her fighting this is even more crazy.


t1_j6p1jf5 wrote

They are poor! They got to withdraw money from their retirement early because they said they were “struggling” or whatever effing word they used. Didn’t they get free (not have to pay back) Covid-PPE loan too?


t1_j6p6rhq wrote

What ended up happening with the Florida properties, anybody know? Do they still own them?


OP t1_j6pfp5g wrote

Do you think she/they deserve any punishment if they're found guilty of what they're charged with?

Do you think someone in her position should be held to a higher standard given that her professional credibility is predicated on legal competence?

Do you think our elected officials, who make the laws, have a moral obligation to understand and obey the laws they make?


t1_j6pgdog wrote

She and her husband are corrupt but this sub and plenty of people hate them because they’re black.
