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sgtducky9191 OP t1_j5boi51 wrote

We are paying over 3K in NOVA (it's crazy down here so that sounds great!) and grass is a plus, but even a courtyard or patio space would be great!


baltimorecalling t1_j5bqa3v wrote

Are you looking to buy or rent?


sgtducky9191 OP t1_j5bqsq3 wrote

Rent, we will likely only be there 2 - 3 years


baltimorecalling t1_j5gbwta wrote

You'll pay a lot more in rent. There's a definite inefficiency between buying and renting


sgtducky9191 OP t1_j5gc6at wrote

I'm aware of that but in general if you can't stay in a place for 5 years a home purchase is a bad investment


baltimorecalling t1_j5gc88g wrote

Explain how


sgtducky9191 OP t1_j5gcmdy wrote

This Is a decent link to sum it up, but basically because of high upfront costs it takes 5 years to recoup that money.


sgtducky9191 OP t1_j5gd1sv wrote

It can of course vary, but buying a home should be as long term an investment as possible!