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sl8rfan2 t1_j48p5v6 wrote

Does anybody know why people have started doing this recently. It's in DC as well.


guest0112 t1_j48pl0s wrote

They’re referencing squeegee kids (I think). You stop short then slowly idle forwards if someone walks towards you


sl8rfan2 t1_j48q29l wrote

That makes sense in Balt. But why are they doing it in DC? I have seen exactly one squeegee person in DC.


DemonDeke t1_j4952ep wrote

It is people not originally from the area who have been told to not get too close to the car in front of them so that they can get away if someone tries ro rob them.


Moiler62 t1_j4e8coz wrote

I definitely do that all the time and I’m from there


Few_Society5388 t1_j48rixf wrote

I was making a joke about people being terrified of squeegee kids. Don’t have an answer for you re: D.C. but I’ve noticed since the pandemic everyone’s constantly driving like it’s their first day on the road.