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rooranger t1_j3xnixs wrote

Baltimore is probably the filthiest city in the US. Some of the city parks have more trash and filth than the downtown area.


Illustrious_Listen_6 t1_j3xthtf wrote

It truly is embarrassing. If I were mayor, I would focus on cleaning this shit up. It would boost the morale of the people of this city, tourists, businesses, events, would want to come to the city. But hey, what do I know?


sit_down_man t1_j3zeo7u wrote

Lived in Brooklyn NY for 5 years. Like 10x filthier than Baltimore, not even close. In NYC, garbage is left out on the curb since they have no alleys, so there's just garbage and rats like 2 days a week. Not saying Baltimore is immaculate but this whole thread is just so far removed from reality lol.


DfcukinLite t1_j3y6ht0 wrote

Puhlease. Tell me out haven’t traveled without telling me you haven’t traveled. Filthidelphia is worse


Due-Net-88 t1_j3ywiwx wrote

London, Dublin, Madison, Wisconsin, Phoenix, Tucson, Albuquerque, Philadelphia, Newark NJ, Atlanta, Memphis— off the top of my head the last few cities I have traveled to that were MUCH cleaner than Baltimore. And yes, Philly IS cleaner. Baltimore is the filthiest city I have ever lived in (and I have lived in a few mid sized cities). With the exception of LA it’s the dirtiest city I have ever been to.


Go4it296 t1_j3zffuy wrote

Bmore seriously cannot be the filthest city in the US.