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YggdrasilsLeaf t1_j4w16h7 wrote

Seriously. Every other developer that this property has changed hands with since the early 80s has ended up doing the exact same thing. Which is letting the place fall further into disrepair and then selling to the next highest bidder.

I LOVED going to HarborPlace as a kid and it saddens me that it’s gotten the way it has, but like 90% of the problem with the place? Since its heyday? Lack of security in and around the entire property.

People stopped going when they started getting mugged and robbed on the regular. That in turn decreased foot traffic and eventually, over time, stores started shutting down because there wasn’t enough business and when the foot traffic further decreased, the stores and restaurants started getting robbed on the regular and that further decreased foot traffic and sales and we’ve been stuck with this mess ever since.

And EVERY DEVELOPER, every single one, has done the same thing. Tried to put new stores in, but barely any freaking security to keep costs down and it’s just History repeating over and over again.

IMPO They should turn one of the buildings into a youth/harbor community center. With free recreation/library/study areas, maybe a social services express office/job training type of deal, a visitors center for tourists, like a functioning community center.

Keep the other shopping and food. Maybe add a small local theater (not movie theater, like an actual small theater for plays or live music acts)

A girl can dream.

Whatever the case, I get why other commenters are saying “don’t jinx it” but honestly?

You’re just being realistic. I swear sometimes it’s like the place is cursed.