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drunklepockets t1_j48cywo wrote

Housing should be like plates a dinner, no one gets second’s until everyone has gotten their first plate. I don’t think small time landlords are the biggest problem in the world, obviously huge banks and hedge funds, companies like Zillow buying up huge amounts of properties and keeping a lot empty to drive prices up are the real problem. That being said, stealing $100 and stealing 10 million are both stealing. We know which one is worse. I’m not attacking you. I’m just pointing out that the system set in place (that you are benefiting from) is unethical.


LongjumpingShot OP t1_j49bjr7 wrote

I understand what you’re saying. I actually had my house for sale before I rented it. No body wants to buy, even the renter I offer to sell at a much cheaper mortgage rate than the rent, they weren’t interested.

That’s true of where I’m renting now. I can buy for a cheaper note but I don’t want to. I think only allowing home ownership is exclusionary. Good luck getting in west Howard county schools with bad credit or without a mortgage.