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PurpleElephants123 t1_ja7doqm wrote

So YA books are too “soft” but you also don’t want to encounter adult content? I’d be cautious about blaming everything on “woke” culture, you can still pick up books written over 100 years ago so you’re hardly limited to modern authors.

You sound pretty young so I get wanting to read books with young characters, maybe try Robin Hobb’s books? They (mostly) feature adolescent protagonists and are pretty accessible for a younger audience while still being somewhat mature-themed.


badmanmadmansadman t1_ja7emax wrote

I don't think the word like woke is what I want to use. It's more about the YA shift from I guess metaphorically and symbolically and literally marginalized oppressed groups in a unfair fantasy or magical or futuristic world to defeat an unjust system or a greater evil . To literally being in this world and facing the oppression from your more realistic peers and looking inwards and self reflecting. And in a lot of these books the complexities of their oppression isn't like necessarily solvable or something to fight against it's more like a fact or a inner growth thing. It's given more cut and dry I guess? I dunno if not making sense anymore. I need a second to rethink haha


Genoscythe_ t1_ja7i9tr wrote

Honestly, it just sounds like you prefer edgy fantasy adventures over coming of age romances, which is just a genre preference.

I mean, you don't have to read whatever is the trendiest on the front shelf at the bookstore, you can still sort by genre and seek out what you love.