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tke494 t1_ja5sjp8 wrote

Not all books work on audiobook for me. I read A Brief History of Time on paper in college. I reread it as an audiobook and even though I'd already read it, I got nothing from it. The book is just too dense for me to read as an audiobook. If I get distracted for a little bit, it's a big deal.

Lighter books are great. I listen to them while driving, working out, or doing chores around the house. It would also matter what kind of driving. I'd not listen to one in busy traffic.


ncgrits01 t1_ja6b6j7 wrote

LOL, just posted this comment above: I listened to Stephen Hawking's "A brief history of time" when I was commuting to graduate school. I enjoyed it, but didn't retain much (ok, anything) and almost drove off the road a few times, trying to grasp what he was saying.


Two_Cents_Ginny t1_ja6vgn1 wrote

I listen to audiobooks often. I would never consider listening to them while driving. Driving is an activity that requires more attention, not less. Weeding and housework are just fine. As for the Stephen Hawking book, I also tried listening to it. I had to stop because some subjects are so deep that they require contemplation.