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BrotherPegasus t1_ja08uss wrote

RoC is similarly structured but set in NYC in the late 20s, 30s, with bits of the late 60s. It’s more intense, more compelling to a broader audience. More immediately tragic. Thought GiM took the core tragedy of Russians in that era too lightly and nobility’s losses too significantly. Rules of Civility is very satisfying literature. His best that I’ve read of his books. I can see Irving’s sweep in Towles’ novels. I’m having trouble with his latest, Lincoln Highway. I can’t find a way in, so I set it aside for now.


iamthedanger1985 OP t1_ja0a2r8 wrote

Yea agree. I stopped Irving after Window for a Year. But thanks for the recommendation. I’ll pick up RoC 👍