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WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_jad0hzf wrote

AI-generated anything is a plague.

I know of businesses that have laid off their entire marketing teams and replaced them with ChatGPT. I've seen several instances of small presses being flooded with AI-generated content by people looking to make a quick buck, to the point of closing down submissions and making life harder for actual writers. There was even a post here not so long ago from a guy who self-published a book of poetry that was admittedly generated by ChatGPI, but he still claimed to be a writer.

I don't want to wander into the realm of the intersection of art and the human experience, but a program will never be able to generate a work with fresh depth and creative complexity. All it can do is regurgitate whatever it can access. It may be able to pull parts together, but it will never innovate or "create."

So it could probably churn out a few dozen James Patterson books in a week, but real writing ain't gonna happen on the back of a program.


gnatsaredancing t1_jad2912 wrote

>I know of businesses that have laid off their entire marketing teams and replaced them with ChatGPT.

ChatGTP produces very bland marketing texts. They'll either regret firing their marketing teams or those marketing teams couldn't even market their own worth.

>I've seen several instances of small presses being flooded with AI-generated content by people looking to make a quick buck, to the point of closing down submissions and making life harder for actual writers.

Every technological development has transitional periods like that. Every new web tech has a temporary thread of amateurs using this tool or that to make subpar development products that don't last long.

>There was even a post here not so long ago from a guy who self-published a book of poetry that was admittedly generated by ChatGPI, but he still claimed to be a writer.

Etsy is full of people making "art" out of throwing junk together. People claiming to be artists despite having no art is something that goes back to the dawn of our species.