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History_fangirl t1_ja3zecg wrote

Maybe go to the library first as there’s not so much of a cash upfront cost so if you don’t read as much as you hope to, to start with you won’t feel guilty which can make a spiral of avoidance start.

I use the do not disturb function on my iPhone for reading now and I also try and leave it in another room so I have to physically get up to get it.

Start with books that are light and easy to get into. I’m reading Hilary Mantel ‘the mirror and the light’ at the moment and it’s a bit of a slog for me. I’ve already read 7 books this year including a Donna Tartt for context so even for me (I would describe myself as a reader and that reading gets me into flow) some books just don’t hit the right moment to bring out the positives of reading.

Most of all - have fun, don’t be hard on yourself and reading is for everyone and everything counts. You read a newspaper article - congrats, you read some dialogue on assassins creed - brilliant or read a few chapters of a book - amazing.

But also if reading isn’t your vibe then that’s fine too!