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t1_j9kxule wrote

Wait I thought trigger warnings were for serious shit like rape, not for things that are kind of gross?


OP t1_j9kxzt9 wrote

They are


t1_j9ky7gd wrote

So poop is as serious for you as rape? It triggers phobic level anxiety to see the word "poop?"

(You typed it up there so I hope I'm not overstepping)


OP t1_j9kyerb wrote

What? I don’t need trigger warnings. But feces play definitely requires a trigger warning (think Ninth House for example)

I’m looking for trigger warnings for other people


t1_j9kynpj wrote

You literally said poop is one of your triggers though


OP t1_j9kyuy9 wrote

It is, and again, it can and does need a trigger warning sometimes


t1_j9kz8z6 wrote

So…back to the other person’s question. Poop is as serious to you as rape? I get that people can have really random and weird triggers so idk, maybe it is to you, but people nowadays do like to label literally ANYTHING as a “trigger” when actually what they mean is “this thing makes me ever so slightly uncomfortable.” Those are two different things.


OP t1_j9kzo0d wrote

You’re confusing the gravity of a situation with whether it triggers someone or not.

Nowhere did I say that poop is worse than rape. That is such a weird take-away to me.

I said “these are the only things that trigger me” because they’re obscure aka I’ve never cared about them being listed before.

I am asking for sites to help me find stuff for other people, not me.


t1_j9l0o1f wrote

You’re still not properly answering the other commenter’s questions. They were just confused about how poop is a trigger for you since triggers are usually more serious things like sexual assault or other violence. You said trigger warnings ARE only for serious things but then continued to talk about how you need a trigger warning for poop. See why we’re confused?

Like I said, I know that sometimes people have really weird triggers that wouldn’t be thought of as triggering at all to someone else, so if it genuinely is a trigger for you, I’m sorry. But it seems like you just don’t like reading about it instead of it being an actual trigger.


t1_j9l0gj0 wrote

I think OP just doesn’t really understand what a trigger is and what it means. Which is ok, everyone has to start somewhere. But I think OP should have said that they do not get triggered and stopped it there. They get a bit grossed out at certain things — unless they have PTSD from maggots and poop which I doubt it


t1_j9l1el6 wrote

To play Devil’s advocate: one very well could have PTSD triggered by those things if those things were involved in their traumatic experience. Triggers can get incredibly specific—someone might have PTSD triggered by the scent of body wash their abusive ex used or by the song that was playing on the radio right before a near fatal car crash, even though neither m of those things are remotely bad in and of themselves.


OP t1_j9l0oua wrote

Wow. First and last time I seek advice from r/books. Y’all rude as hell


t1_j9kzr4n wrote

Is this an accredited mental health program? Because the official stance of the American Psychological Association is that trigger warnings are at best pointless and at worst harmful


OP t1_j9l0760 wrote

Accredited? I don’t know. Official? Yes. It works with the state department of mental health and does things from group homes and housing to programs, transportation etc.

We were told ahead of time that if the clinician was to run a book club then we had to keep it tame


t1_j9l0mqm wrote should be able to help you sometimes. Edit: my bad, not sure if it has books or not!


t1_j9l2h9b wrote

Thank you for attempting to show care for your group and honor the fact that people ought to be able to chose what they are exposed to. It feels terrible to invest time and effort into a book and then realize you can't finish it due to content. No one gets a gold star for being some uneffected hard nut of a person.

Probably your best bet is to look at a wide variety of reviews and see what themes pop up. But even then it depends on the perspective of the reviewer.

There's a show that's been getting lots of buzz and based on reviews I was excited to watch. What no one mentioned was that the entire first episode was on child abuse images 😱 I noped right out. Why did no one think to mention it?


OP t1_j9l2yey wrote

That’s actually what I’ve been doing! Haha, but I was hoping there could be something more streamlined than reviews. That’s okay though, I very much appreciate your response

And geeze! Images should have priority trigger warnings lol sorry to hear that


t1_j9l055c wrote

I would not put any triggers on either 7 lives of Evelyn Hugo and A Man called Ove. I can't imagine being in a book club that needed trigger warnings on books, it takes away a huge variety of books, should be up to the individual to research if they want to step back and not read by doing their own research on potential warnings.


t1_j9l1303 wrote

Hi there. Your post would be better asked in our Simple Questions thread. It helps us keep the main subreddit focused around broader discussion rather topics which only apply to an individual. Thank you!


t1_j9l1oc9 wrote

do you know the readers or is it totaly virtual?

i never understood what tfat trigger warning nonsense is goud for.

healthy nurmal adults should be able to step outside their comfort zone and get thwir own opinion.

but your group is special ..

however you can' t foresee or shield everybody and putting down a book when it gets too much should be easy.

if you have to take on this responsibility its probably best to suggest books you have read although what might trigger one person often is guesswork (eg. what is excessive violence? swearing?).


OP t1_j9l2k9e wrote

>healthy nurmal adults should be able to step outside their comfort zone

I did say this was part of a mental health program, so I’m not looking for trigger warnings for “healthy normal adults”

While I can appreciate an opposing opinion, I wasn’t asking for one. I was looking for a site. Thank you though


t1_j9l7ghl wrote

>did say this was part of a mental health program,

just read the next line.

> I wasn’t asking for one. I was looking for a site.

you get it for free.

seee, thats part of social media, you get all kind of responses, not necessarily (only) the desired one.