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madchad90 t1_jadsfyn wrote

Hannibal rising was written after red dragon. So this is just a continuity error.

Animal cruelty is a common occurance in individuals with sociopathy, and serial killers, so it's not surprising for that to originally be a trait of Lecter.


HumanOrion t1_jaeirbv wrote

The fact that Hannibal Rising came after the fact makes this lack of consistency more unforgivable, not less.

The fact that Red Dragon (and the other books) existed, and presented a fleshed out profile of Hannibal should have been taken into account when writing Hannibal Rising.


madchad90 t1_jael7du wrote

Harris was pretty much forced into writing the book against his will, so he probably didn't care too much about making sure it lined up perfectly with the previous ones


Majiska394 OP t1_jadzyzr wrote

Ok thank you :)


dlrace t1_jae3eoi wrote

most likely an error, but also, who gave them the information about him being sadistic as a child towards animals? I'd like to think it was him messing with their tests. He was too sophisticated for the tests afterall according to chiltern in silence of the lambs.