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-rba- t1_j98fpos wrote

The Iliad is, what, 2700 years old? I think spoilers are fair game at this point. :)


Pigs_in_the_Porridge t1_j98g400 wrote

Yes. Good grief. Complaining about the Illyad being spoiled is like a satire of spoiler culture.


aprettylittlebird t1_j9bsr10 wrote

I am cackling that OP is mad about spoilers to…a literal thousands year old work. Like this is a joke right? 😂


Bridalhat t1_j9anpaz wrote

Also the outline of events would have been known by Homer’s audience. At one point Homer switches to second person with Patroclus and it’s pretty much him saying “you’re about to die, yo.”

(Incidentally Hector, Sarpedon, Patroclus, and Achilles all seem to know they aren’t long for the world for various reasons.)


outsellers OP t1_j98uy2c wrote

Homer’s works are on millions of peoples to-read list, and without them we wouldn’t have gotten books like, the song of Achilles, Circe, or any other of modern adaptations. Both of Madeline Millers books are on my To-Read list, but I wanted to read Homers works first.

It is also still heavily used in modern TV shows, movies, etc. just because something is thousands of years old, does not mean is not relevant.

The amount of books and film that is still based on these stories today, or books that simply draw influence from them such as this one, shows that this book is still being read over and over again.


llama_raptor89 t1_j98xlkk wrote

All of those things are true and are even more of a reason why it’s ridiculous you consider discussion of those works to be a spoiler. The reading experience of Homer’s works won’t be diminished because you know the plot points ahead of time.


outsellers OP t1_j98y7hd wrote

It is not discussion of the works, which you are reducing it to, but a flat out spoiler of how it ends for a main character (Hector).

The two works are gigantic, and there is a lot that can be told, but if you’ve ever been part of a book club, it’s pretty customary to relay some plot points, but NOT the ending.


llama_raptor89 t1_j9921q6 wrote

Nah, sorry, this is like being upset because someone referenced the end of Romeo and Juliet.


TantamountDisregard t1_j9d090n wrote

She assumes her audience will have basic awareness of one of the most well known stories ever written.

The idea of spoiling the Iliad lmao. Should she basically not write of any written/spoken work of art in case she spoils it for the audience?

Really think about it for a minute OP.