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generally-speaking t1_je8bibl wrote

Writing fanmail is fine, do it if you want to but don't expect a response. Many will get more than they can read.

I actually chat with a few I like on Discord. :)


Lumpyproletarian t1_je9s610 wrote

I wrote once about thirty years ago and specifically said that I did not expect a response I just wanted to say x y z. I got a form letter from a publisher saying they’d passed it on and they knew she appreciated being appreciated. Which was fine


Fair_University t1_jeb4pjq wrote

Honestly I think there probably are decent odds that it got read by the author at some point. I imagine writing back is much more of a time sink at that scale.


Lumpyproletarian t1_jebcbqz wrote

I’m sure she read it. I just didn’t want her to feel obligated to put pen to paper to reply.