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An_Open_Field_Ned t1_je1ed1l wrote

Hey casual, you are the creator who got me onto patreon, so thanks for all the great art and stuff! Two parter for you:

I know you always talk fondly of writing The Lord Magistrate, but who is your favorite character to write that isn't Jin?

Following that, what is your favorite section of your writing? Mine are further the books cover, but I'm interested


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1fcrz wrote

Not Jin and not TLM? There would probably be 3. Chunky, Washy, and Xiulan.

Chonkers because hes simple and enjoyable, Washy because hes a lazy shit, and Xiulan... theres just somethigng about her that I like writing.

My favourite section is perhaps Chapter 33 of Volume 1, connections, or [Break The Rocks]